Princess Diana once said that people think at the end of the day that men are the only answer to fulfillment. Actually, jobs are better for me.

Our society believes that it is okay for women to stay home and raise the children, and not work. This generation of women has been motivated by social pressures and a lack of motivation. However, women are increasingly aware of their options, and many are beginning to work now, but the number of working women is still less than half that of working men. So here I am to explain to you the five reasons why women should work nowadays.

1. Financial Independence

Financial independence is the most important factor that controls the quality of a woman’s life. It is one of the most liberating aspects that you need to lead a quality life with respect. When you are financially stable, you can bear your expenses, and you do not need to seek money from your partner. By earning money, you can gain a sense of accomplishment and self-identity, which will enable you to evolve into a more independent and capable human being. Moreover, you already have early preparations in case something happens in the future. For example, there is a divorce, the husband dies or the husband loses his job.

2. Happiness

Many people believe that the relentless effort of balancing work and family can cause severe stress and depression for working women. Women will feel happy and enjoy themselves if they can do two jobs. Compared to working women, stay-at-home women are more likely to suffer from depression and stress. Additionally, studies have shown that sit-at-home women's mental health improves significantly when they start working outside the home. This is because they can continue their careers and also can be mothers and wives.

3. Role Model

Nowadays, young girls look up to women who are strong, independent, and working. This is because they will realize that women can also do other work besides being a housewife. Working helps women maintain and develop their sense of self when they work outside the home. Women without their own identities may have a tough time letting their kids have their own space. In addition, the dignity of a woman will also increase due to the birth of a successful woman. People from your family or your field will get inspiration from you. This way you inspire the next generation to be stronger.

4. Better Old Age

When children get older, the lack of satisfaction and fullness experienced by non-working mothers becomes much more severe. They will not have enough time to spend with their mothers because they will have their own families and friends. Women who stay at home at this stage of their lives may feel isolated, alone, and empty. In contrast, women who have had a successful career enjoy a positive living environment where they can find positive reinforcement outside the home. The lives of working women will be viewed through a new lens and with a greater perspective, while staying-at-home ladies revolve around their families and husbands.

5. Women's Rights to Work

In the same way as others, women have the right to have productive employment, and no one can stop them from doing so. A human right is to work for a livelihood or for any other purpose. Despite being a vital part of our economy, women's work is undervalued and underappreciated. Some industries systematically sack women for having children or getting married, even when they are denied their rights to regular working hours and equal pay. The challenges that women working face include sexual violence, gender discrimination, and non working environments.

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